Amid major challenges to international development cooperation, dwindling global solidarity and shrinking development assistance, a paradigm shift is urgently needed, speakers at the Economic and Social Council’s 2025 Development Cooperation Forum stressed as they opened its annual session in New York today.
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Amid the fourth industrial revolution, responsible global governance of artificial intelligence (AI) is paramount, the Economic and Social Council heard today as speakers at its 2025 coordination segment explored the transformative potential of data, science, technology and innovation to advance sustainable development.
The United Nations must celebrate its many successes as much as it acknowledges its failures, the Economic and Social Council heard today as speakers at its 2025 Coordination Segment called for a culture of collaboration and renewed solidarity.
The Economic and Social Council today elected members and approved appointments to various commissions and subsidiary bodies ahead of its 2025 Session.
As the world reels from armed conflicts, climate disasters and spiralling risks, speakers highlighted the need to bolster financing for resilience, risk reduction and social protection in a joint meeting today of the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) and the Economic and Social Council.
The Economic and Social Council opened its 2025 session today, with the incoming President establishing the global displacement crisis, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to expedite achievement of sustainable development, and greater engagement with international financial institutions to address financing for development gaps as his top areas of focus for the coming year.
The Economic and Social Council concluded its two-day management segment today, focusing on the work of the five UN regional economic commissions.
The Economic and Social Council began its two-day management segment today, discussing the reports of several of its subsidiary bodies and adopting draft resolutions and decisions contained in the reports.
The Economic and Social Council concluded its High-Level Segment today under the theme “Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises: the effective delivery of sustainable, resilient and innovative solutions”.
The High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development concluded its three-day ministerial segment today, with the adoption of a Ministerial Declaration and the Forum’s procedural report.