The Minsk Agreements show that the signing of a peace pact alone does not ensure a durable end to conflict, the Security Council heard today as it met a decade after the adoption of Council resolution 2202 (2015), which called for the full implementation of those accords.
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The Security Council today extended until 12 March 2026 the mandate of the Panel of Experts tasked with assisting its Sanctions Committee concerning Sudan, requesting a final report on the Panel’s findings and recommendations by 13 January 2026.
The Commission for Social Development concluded its 2025 annual session today, recommending four resolutions, including a text on the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, to the Economic and Social Council for their adoption.
At one of two panel discussions held today by the Commission for Social Development, speakers stressed that the Second World Summit for Social Development must advance humanity’s fight against structural inequalities by promoting quality employment for young people, closing digital divides, addressing the challenges of ageing populations and tackling the climate crisis.
Yemen is standing at another critical juncture, and the choices made today will determine its future, the Organization’s senior official told the Security Council today, underscoring the collective responsibility to create the space for a mediated solution.
Decolonization is not the end of a journey, but the first step on a new path, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said today as the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples began its 2025 Session.
During one of two round-table discussions held today by the Commission for Social Development, panelists emphasized the importance of governance, preparedness and investment in human capital to strengthen “social resilience” — the ability of individuals and societies to prevent, absorb, adapt and recover positively from crises.
Acknowledging the Syrian caretaker authorities pledges to achieve an inclusive Syrian-owned and -led political transition in line with the key principles of Council resolution 2254 (2015), the United Nations senior mediator in the country warned the Security Council today that further conflict could have a drastic impact on the fight against Da’esh and international peace and security.
Solidarity and social inclusion are more important than ever as the world grapples with multiple emergencies such as the climate crisis, democratic backsliding and repeated human rights abuses, high-level ministers said today at a panel discussion at the 2025 session of the Commission for Social Development.
Global solidarity is more essential than ever to address poverty, hunger, inequality and other pressing challenges facing humanity, speakers emphasized today at the opening of the 2025 annual session of the Commission for Social Development, calling for increased investment in social protection to meet these urgent needs.