In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


Two individuals who violated peace and security in Sudan were subjected to targeted sanctions during the reporting period, the head of the subsidiary body concerning that country told the Security Council today, as Khartoum’s representative called on the 15-member organ to adopt meaningful measures that go beyond “mere meetings”, to counter external sponsorship of the Rapid Support Forces, which is causing grave civilian suffering in his country.


As the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) completes its work, Member States must cooperate with the international court and each other to ensure the completion of the “cycle of justice” for the victims and survivors of war crimes and other atrocities committed in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, speakers heard today as the Security Council received briefings from the Mechanism’s top officials.


With its recent national census and long-overdue parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq is secure and stable despite the obstacles it faces, the senior United Nations official in the country told the Security Council today as speakers expressed concern over proposed changes to the country’s Personal Status Law and its impact on women and children.


The General Assembly today adopted several resolutions on a variety of topics, including one stressing the need to return cultural property to countries of origin, with Member States emphasizing the importance of adhering to regulations safeguarding such artefacts, amid an unprecedented increase in trafficking and attacks against them during armed conflict.


The Security Council today decided to maintain the exemption of humanitarian aid providers from asset freeze measures imposed by the Da’esh and Al-Qaida sanctions regime — a decision that provides those personnel and entities with greater operational clarity and predictability, while maintaining systematic monitoring measures to prevent the carveout from being exploited by terrorist organizations.