
Le Secrétaire général annonce des progrès dans la mise en œuvre du plan d’action stratégique pour l’éradication du racisme à l’ONU

On trouvera ci-après la déclaration que le Secrétaire général de l’ONU, M. António Guterres, a faite à la manifestation de l’Assemblée générale sur la Journée internationale pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale, à New York, aujourd’hui:

I am pleased to join you for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. 

Today we recall the Sharpeville Massacre of 1960 and pay tribute to the heroes of the struggle against apartheid, and to all those who have fought racism and racial discrimination around the world. 

Racial discrimination is a deeply damaging and pervasive abuse of human rights and human dignity that affects every country.  It is one of the most destructive forces dividing societies, responsible for death and suffering on a grotesque scale throughout history.  Today, racial discrimination and the legacies of enslavement and colonialism continue to ruin lives, marginalize communities and limit opportunities, preventing billions of people from achieving their full potential. 

Racism is not innate, but once learned, it can take on a destructive power of its own.  When Governments and other authorities use racism and discrimination for political ends, they are playing with fire.  Official tolerance and a tacit green light for racial discrimination can fuel tensions and set light to a conflagration of violence and atrocity crimes. 

This has played out catastrophically, throughout history.  We should not need reminding that racism and racial discrimination can be steps on the way to genocide.  Conversely, initiatives and programmes to eliminate racial discrimination and protect the rights of minorities are investments in crisis prevention and peace. 

Article Two of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms without distinction of any kind.  But as we mark the 75th anniversary of the Declaration, we are still far from realising equality in dignity and rights for all. 

Xenophobia, prejudice and hate speech are rising.  Political leaders scapegoat migrants, with devastating impact.  White supremacist influencers profit from racism on social media platforms.  Artificial intelligence algorithms amplify and digitize racial discrimination.  And after a period of increased global awareness of racism, some countries are experiencing a vicious backlash against anti-racist policies and practices. 

We need to resist and reverse these trends resolutely and condemn and eliminate racial discrimination in all its forms.  We must take action to address racism wherever and whenever it arises, including through legal channels.  Civil society plays obviously, an important role.  Today we recognise the contributions of organisations that fight racism and call for continued support for their critical work. 

As we mark the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration, I join the High Commissioner for Human Rights in urging every government to adopt, by December of this year, a comprehensive, time-bound national action plan to combat racism and racial discrimination. 

Such plans should include anti-discrimination legislation and policies informed by evidence and data.  We have international legal frameworks and global commitments in place: the Universal Declaration; the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. 

I call on all states today to ratify the Convention and to implement their obligations and commitments without delay.  We must transform political will into comprehensive action, with those experiencing racism and racial discrimination at the centre. 

The private sector also has a crucial role to play.  I call on businesses to take urgent steps to eliminate racial discrimination in their products and services, and in their workplaces. 

Au sein de l’ONU, nous progressons dans la mise en œuvre de notre plan d’action stratégique pour l’éradication du racisme.  Ma conseillère spéciale Mojankunyane Gumbi et son équipe travaillent avec le personnel du Secrétariat à travers le monde et mettent au point une formation complète sur la lutte contre le racisme. 

Désormais, des champions de la lutte contre le racisme occupent des postes de haut niveau partout au Secrétariat.  De nombreux membres du personnel participent à des échanges sur la lutte contre le racisme.  Prochainement, un examen indépendant des plaintes antérieures pour racisme et discrimination raciale permettra d’identifier les lacunes et de renforcer l’obligation de rendre compte.  Lutter contre le racisme et la discrimination raciale nécessitera des efforts délibérés et coordonnés à long terme, et j’invite l’ensemble du personnel des Nations Unies à faire sa part. 

À l’ONU et dans le monde entier, nous devons concrétiser les aspirations de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, pour le bénéfice de toutes les personnes, sans distinction, exclusion, restriction ou préférence fondée sur la race, la couleur, l’ascendance ou l’origine nationale ou ethnique.  En cette année anniversaire, unissons nos forces pour éradiquer le racisme et la discrimination raciale et défendre la dignité et les droits de toutes et tous, partout dans le monde.

À l’intention des organes d’information. Document non officiel.