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Security Council: Meetings Coverage


The Security Council today decided to extend the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until 15 November 2025, mandating it to advance a multi-year strategic vision to create the political, security and institutional conditions conducive to national reconciliation and durable peace.


As the Security Council took up the annual briefing from the chairs of its three counter-terrorism committees today, speakers underscored the urgent need for unity and coordination among the three bodies to strengthen the collective response against terrorist groups whose growing influence and expansion continues to threaten international peace and stability.


The Security Council today decided to extend the mandate of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) until 15 November 2025 to maintain the Force’s authorized troop and police ceilings and call for a strategic review of UNISFA’s effectiveness, strategic objectives and alignment with the evolving regional security situation.


The unremitting violence in Sudan, raging for 18 months, is poised to intensify, worsening already alarming levels of human rights violations, food insecurity and displacement, the Security Council heard at a high-level briefing on the situation in the country, as senior United Nations officials renewed their calls for an immediate ceasefire, humanitarian access and renewed efforts towards a negotiated settlement.


Ransomware attacks on hospitals and healthcare systems can be “issues of life and death” and pose a serious threat to international security, the head of the UN health agency told the Security Council today, as several delegates echoed his calls for international cooperation to address one of today’s most damaging cyberthreats, while others questioned whether the 15 nation organ was the appropriate forum for the meeting.


The recent and fourth extension of South Sudan’s transitional period must be the last, the UN’s top official in the world’s youngest nation told the Security Council today, as he conveyed the people’s “deep frustration and fatigue” with their leaders’ persistent delays in implementing the peace agreement and in realizing their long-held aspirations for peace and democracy.