The Security Council received an update today from the Committee monitoring implementation of sanctions targeting individuals and entities involved in actions that threaten Yemen’s peace and stability.
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Security Council: Meetings Coverage
The war in Sudan and political uncertainty in South Sudan have stalled progress in political dialogue on the final status of Abyei and border issues, a senior UN official told the Security Council today, as Security Council members urged greater support to be lent to the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) in fulfilling its mandate, ahead of its expiration on 14 November.
Meeting on the heels of the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 31 October, Security Council members today renewed their calls for de-escalation, dialogue and a return to unity within the 15 nation organ, as speakers sparred over the imposition of sanctions and the real source of security threats in the Korean Peninsula.
The Security Council today unanimously adopted a presidential statement on the Central African region, introduced by the representative of the United Kingdom, President for November, expressing deep concern about the challenging security situation in the subregion.
The Security Council today extended until 2 November 2025 the authorization to establish a European Union-led stabilization force in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the 15-member Council reviewed the political, security and economic situation in the Western Balkan country.
The Security Council today voted to extend by an additional year the mandate of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), emphasizing the need to reach a political solution based on compromise and the importance of aligning MINURSO’s strategic focus and UN resources toward that end.
The Security Council today extended the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) mandate for three months until 31 January 2025, with an automatic nine-month extension if a new Special Representative and Mission Head is appointed by that date.
Debating the continuing transfer of arms supplies to the warring parties in Ukraine, speakers in the Security Council meeting requested by the Russian Federation voiced concerns over the potential diversion and proliferation of weapons in this and other conflicts, with many calling the military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang “alarming”.
The Chair of the entity overseeing sanctions on Somalia briefed the Security Council today on developments related to Al-Shabaab’s threat to the country and the region, including an update on the partial lifting of an arms embargo on Mogadishu.
Amid growing tensions between Pristina and Belgrade, all parties must engage in “responsible leadership” to uphold human rights and freedoms and to reach constructive political dialogue, the United Nations top official in Kosovo said today, as representatives of Pristina and Belgrade spotlighted their engagements with the international community and sparred over who is responsible for the lack of political progress to normalize relations between them.