The new political reality in Syria presents an opportunity to obtain long-overdue clarifications on the Syrian chemical weapons programme, rid the country of all such weapons and ensure long-term compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today.
In progress at UNHQ
Security Council: No name
Fear of Yemen plunging back into widespread conflict is “palpable”, the United Nations’ top official in that country told the Security Council today, calling on the parties to refrain from military posturing and instead agree on a nationwide ceasefire.
The General Assembly today addressed what many delegations decried as “misuse” of the Security Council veto by the Russian Federation on 24 February — the third anniversary of its aggression against Ukraine.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Christina Markus Lassen (Denmark):
The Security Council today extended its authorization for Member States to intercept vessels transporting banned items to and from Somalia, including illegal arms imports and charcoal exports, until 13 December 2025, also renewing the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the Al-Shabaab sanctions regime until 13 January 2026.
The Security Council’s programme of work for March will feature a signature event on increasing the adaptability of peace operations, while also leaving space for additional meetings on new developments, its President for the month said at a Headquarters press conference today.
To enforce the arms embargo on Somalia, the Security Council decided today to reauthorize maritime interdiction of illicit weapons imports and charcoal exports, reiterating its determination that Al-Shabaab’s attempts to undermine peace and security in the region — including through acts of terrorism — constitute a threat to international peace and security.
United Nations Police are a critical part of the Organization’s peacekeeping architecture and must be adequately prepared, equipped and resourced to meet current and future challenges, the Security Council heard today, as it met to discuss UN support to conflict-affected countries.
The “already catastrophic” situation in Sudan has worsened in recent weeks, a senior United Nations humanitarian official warned today, as she outlined alarming developments in North Darfur, and urged the Security Council to take immediate action to ensure all actors abide by international humanitarian law and protect civilians in Zamzam camp and beyond.
This may be “the last chance” to achieve a two-State solution — the creation of independent Israel and Palestine coexisting peacefully side by side — a United Nations mediator told the Security Council today, as it considered the fragile ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the first phase of which is set to expire on 1 March.