The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Fu Cong (China):
In progress at UNHQ
Security Council
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Fu Cong (China):
Yemen is standing at another critical juncture, and the choices made today will determine its future, the Organization’s senior official told the Security Council today, underscoring the collective responsibility to create the space for a mediated solution.
Acknowledging the Syrian caretaker authorities pledges to achieve an inclusive Syrian-owned and -led political transition in line with the key principles of Council resolution 2254 (2015), the United Nations senior mediator in the country warned the Security Council today that further conflict could have a drastic impact on the fight against Da’esh and international peace and security.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Fu Cong (China):
The resilience of terrorist groups underscores the need for sustained international collaboration and comprehensive, long-term responses that address the conditions conducive to terrorism, the Security Council heard today during a briefing on the threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh).
The Revitalized Peace Agreement in South Sudan is facing challenges due to low political will, trust deficit among the parties to the accord and lack of predictable funding, the Security Council heard today from senior officials assisting peacebuilding in that country.
The Security Council’s February programme of work will feature a signature event on practising multilateralism and reforming and improving global governance, its President for the month announced at a Headquarters press conference today.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Amar Bendjama (Algeria):
The Security Council today decided to renew the long-standing United Nations peacekeeping presence in Cyprus for another year, underscoring the need to avoid any unilateral actions that could undermine the prospects for a peaceful settlement.