The Security Council today failed to renew the travel ban and asset freeze imposed through resolution 2374 (2017) against individuals and entities obstructing implementation of the 2015 Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, unable to reach consensus on either of two resolutions that would have kept such measures in place amidst the drawdown of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).
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Security Council: No name
Closing a mission built over a decade within a period of six months is “a complex and ambitious endeavour”, especially amid a host of other constraints linked to security, logistics, geography and infrastructure, the top UN official in Mali told the Security Council today.
While stressing that the 24 August launch of a military reconnaissance satellite by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea posed serious risks to international civil aviation and maritime traffic and runs contrary to relevant Security Council resolutions, a senior United Nations official told Council members today that practical measures are needed to curb tensions and create space for diplomacy.
Despite the threat level remaining low in non-conflict areas, Da’esh and its affiliates continue to constitute a serious threat in conflict zones and neighbouring countries, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today, underscoring that the use of force alone — with no backing of a clear strategy — can be counter-productive, creating conditions conducive for the proliferation of terrorist groups.
The United Nations remains committed to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity amidst indefensible attacks on civilians and infrastructure, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today, as speakers took stock of the war’s impact on Ukraine’s children on the thirty-second anniversary of that country’s independence.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Linda Thomas-Greenfield (United States):
The worsening security, economic and humanitarian situation in Syria requires urgent concerted efforts from all parties to the conflict to resume a Syrian-led political process, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the country stressed, as the Security Council today took up that file once again this month.
Libya needs more than ever to close the current page of institutional fragmentation, a senior United Nations official today told the Security Council, calling for an inclusive political agreement that would pave the way for peaceful and transparent elections across the country.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Linda Thomas-Greenfield (United States):
A political horizon for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be established amidst escalating violence and extremism on both sides, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today, as members condemned ongoing unilateral actions that render the prospect of a sustainable solution ever more remote.