Concluding the second part of its resumed session, the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today sent 19 draft resolutions and 1 draft decision to the General Assembly, asking it to authorize an annual United Nations peacekeeping budget of $6.37 billion.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
The General Assembly adopted two resolutions today broadly addressing the follow-up to the 2000 Millennium Summit, one aimed at strengthening the role of the Economic and Social Council, and another on the format of the 54-member organ’s high-level political forum.
The Special Committee on Decolonization concluded its 2021 substantive session today, approving 18 draft resolutions, including one requesting that the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom resume negotiations as soon as possible to reach a peaceful resolution of their sovereignty dispute over the Falkland Islands (Malvinas).
The General Assembly today adopted a resolution addressing the decades-long United States embargo against Cuba, as delegates called for an immediate end to the sanctions, particularly amid global efforts to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The General Assembly, acting without a vote, adopted one resolution and two decisions today which addressed the United Nations cooperation with the Pacific Islands Forum, intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform and the next round of talks for a treaty regarding marine biological diversity.
The General Assembly today unanimously appointed Secretary-General António Guterres for a second five-year term beginning 1 January 2022, while adopting a landmark resolution calling upon the armed forces of Myanmar to immediately stop violence against peaceful demonstrators and allow the sustained democratic transition of the country.
The Special Committee on Decolonization approved today a draft resolution calling upon the United States to assume its responsibility to promote a process to enable the people of Puerto Rico to fully exercise their right to self-determination and independence.
The General Assembly adopted a resolution today that recognizes the right of return of all internally displaced persons and refugees and their descendants, regardless of ethnicity, to their homes throughout Georgia, including in Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia.
Highlighting fresh developments in Guam and New Caledonia, delegates provided updates on some of the world’s 17 remaining Non‑Self‑Governing Territories, as the Special Committee on Decolonization continued its 2021 substantive session.
Opening the substantive portion of its 2021 session today, the Special Committee on Decolonization approved three draft resolutions relating to information from and visiting missions to the world’s 17 remaining Non‑Self‑Governing Territories.