The General Assembly concluded its seventy-fifth session on Tuesday, with outgoing President Volkan Bozkir (Turkey) making recommendations to strengthen the 193-member organ’s ability to meet key global challenges and give voice to those most in need.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
The General Assembly today adopted two annual resolutions — one on durable peace and sustainable development in Africa and the other on eradicating malaria.
The General Assembly adopted two resolutions today, including an omnibus text on the revitalization of the 193-member organ, as speakers argued that time has come to have a woman lead the United Nations as the Secretary-General beginning in 2027.
The General Assembly adopted six texts today, the first postponing the closing date of its seventy-fifth session to 14 September 2021, with others more broadly addressing issues in Africa and the Caribbean, and deciding that the United Nations Ocean Conference co-hosted by Kenya and Portugal will take place in Lisbon from 27 June to 1 July 2022.
The General Assembly commemorated the International Day against Nuclear Tests today, with speakers praising the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) as a landmark instrument, while warning that its potential will not be fully realized until it enters into force.
The General Assembly decided today that it will convene a high-level meeting on 22 September to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, while also reaffirming its commitment to eliminating sexual exploitation and abuse from the entire United Nations system.
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People approved its annual report today, as the State of Palestine made a powerful call for the General Assembly to take “responsible and serious” action to end Israel’s occupation, nearly 74 years after its historic passage of resolution 181, partitioning Palestine and leaving its people to an unjust fate.
Acting without a vote, the General Assembly adopted three resolutions today, two proclaiming World Wetlands Day and World Cotton Day, respectively and the third expressing solidarity with the people and Government of Haiti in the aftermath of the devastating 14 August earthquake in that country.
The General Assembly adopted two resolutions today, one on the impact of rapid technological change on realizing the Sustainable Development Goals and another endorsing details for a forthcoming high-level meeting on universal health coverage, following an exchange of views among delegates over the screening process for civil society participation in the latter.
In a landmark decision, the General Assembly established today a 10‑member subsidiary organ that will serve as a standing forum to hear the voices of people of African descent and help eliminate all forms of discrimination against them.