On the heels of early consultations that many delegates described as being rife with challenges, the General Assembly today adopted a resolution laying out next steps for multilateral negotiations to draft a landmark global treaty against the rising threat of cybercrime.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
Delegates welcomed the recent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and urged stakeholders to use the agreement as an opportunity to reopen dialogue and address the root causes of the conflict, as the General Assembly wrapped up its special debate on the situation in the Middle East this morning.
The General Assembly, acting without a vote, adopted two draft resolutions and a draft decision today, including one to convene an international meeting in Stockholm on 2 and 3 June 2022 to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the landmark United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm that gave birth to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
With the Security Council unable to respond to the worst round of fighting between Israel and the Palestinians in years, and as welcome news of a ceasefire agreement broke, speakers in the General Assembly today demanded an immediate halt to the violence and intensified efforts to restart peace talks that advance a two‑State solution to a conflict nearly as old as the United Nations itself.
The Committee on Information, which oversees the work of the Department of Global Communications, concluded its annual session today with the adoption of its report to the General Assembly, which includes two resolutions for formal adoption by the 193-nation organ.
The General Assembly adopted four resolutions today on issues ranging from security to sustainable development, including a consensus text declaring 2022 the International Year of Glass and directing policy attention to its importance in various sectors, from aerospace and automotive industries to health care and architecture.
Delegates exchanged divergent views on applying the concept of the responsibility to protect civilians in the escalating Israeli-Palestinian conflict and crises raging in strife-affected countries like Myanmar and Syria, as the General Assembly convened an open debate on the issue and heard the introduction of a related draft resolution.
The Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization), acting without a vote today, approved a resolution endorsing the latest report of the 34-member Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations — including a raft of recommendations related to mandates, protection and peacekeeper conduct and safety — thereby forwarding them to the General Assembly for adoption.
The recent improvement in the United Nations cash position isn’t something to celebrate yet, as the world body continues to face difficulty carrying out its mandates without adequate financial resources, the Organization’s top budget official told the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today.
Following the battlefield death of President Idriss Déby Itno on 20 April, senior United Nations officials and representatives of regional groups convened in the General Assembly today to pay tribute to the late Chad leader, many describing him as a valiant defender against the extremist violence spreading relentlessly across Africa’s Sahel region.