The General Assembly, acting without a vote, adopted two resolutions and three decisions today after debating the annual report on the Peacebuilding Commission and Peacebuilding Fund. Meanwhile, consideration of a draft resolution to establish a Permanent Forum of People of African Descent was rolled back to a later date.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
Africa needs more support on its path to growth, speakers said today, as the 193-member General Assembly examined efforts by the United Nations to help Africa fight malaria while pursuing durable peace and sustainable development.
The General Assembly adopted two draft resolutions today aimed at ensuring global access to eye care and combat illicit trafficking in wildlife, as delegates called for international solidarity to capitalize on the connection between proper eye care and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and to address the link between wildlife trafficking and financial crime that hinders realization of those development objectives.
The General Assembly adopted two resolutions today pertaining to an upcoming high-level meeting on global road safety and to countering hate speech through the promotion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue, respectively, as delegates debated a draft amendment to the former resolution and sparred over the appropriate way to determine which non-governmental organizations will be able to participate in the 2022 high-level meeting.
The General Assembly adopted a decision today on the organization of work for the general debate of its upcoming seventy-sixth session, while more broadly paying tribute to the late President of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse, who was assassinated on 7 July in a brutal attack that speakers roundly condemned in the strongest terms.
The international community must increase efforts to address the inequalities driving the HIV/AIDS epidemic as the global response to that virus has been hindered by COVID-19 and other crises, Member States told the General Assembly today as it concluded its high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS .
The General Assembly adopted two resolutions and one decision today, all without a vote, while also concluding its debate on the seventh review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
Continuous review of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy is necessary to ensure that the international response remains relevant as the dynamic threat posed by terrorism evolves, Member States stressed in the General Assembly today, as debate continued on the resolution titled “The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy: seventh review”, adopted unanimously on 30 June.
Calling on all States to address new and emerging terrorist threats through investigations, information exchanges and cooperation, the General Assembly today held a debate on counter-terrorism and adopted a related resolution, and also approved more than $6 billion for 12 peacekeeping missions for the 2021/22 fiscal year.
The Second Committee (Economic and Financial), during a brief meeting today, approved without a vote a draft decision (document A/C.2/75/L.63) regarding the revitalization of its work.