In progress at UNHQ

Second Committee


Multidimensional macroeconomic crises are stalling or even reversing gains in development and poverty reduction, requiring not only urgent, comprehensive reform of an inequitable global financial system, but also new, innovative international tax cooperation, United Nations experts warned today, as the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) took up that issue.


The threats and ravages of climate change are inextricably linked to national and global progress on the Sustainable Development Goals, requiring urgent action in the environmental, financial and energy sectors, speakers stressed today as the Second Committee (Economic Financial) continued its annual general debate.


As developing States face compounding crises of onerous debt, extreme poverty and the costs of climate change, “business as usual is not viable” in steering the dangerously off-track Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) back towards progress, speakers warned today as the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) opened its annual general debate.


The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today approved 16 draft resolutions, voting on an operative paragraph and entire draft, expressing deep concern in a text on poverty eradication that progress in reducing this scourge remains uneven, with 1.3 billion people still living in multidimensional poverty, 84 per cent of whom live in rural areas.


The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today approved 14 resolutions, voting on two of them, including a text calling upon States to strengthen cooperation, including through relevant organizations of the United Nations system and other relevant regional or international forums, to combat illicit financial flows in all their forms.