In progress at UNHQ
LISBON, 1 July — The 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference concluded today with world leaders adopting an action-oriented Political Declaration to save the ocean from existing and future threats, including marine pollution, harmful fishing practices, biodiversity loss, and acidification.
LISBON, 30 June — Scientific collaboration and knowledge-sharing is essential to protecting humanity’s shared ocean heritage, speakers stressed on the fourth day of the 2022 Ocean Conference, also spotlighting the need to broaden participation in decision-making to include voices in policy negotiations that — while often overlooked — possess unique experiences and capabilities.
LISBON, 30 June — Calls for the full implementation of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea dominated the seventh Lisbon dialogue today, with delegates describing the landmark treaty as a “beacon” of multilateralism and “starting point” for improving the conservation and sustainable use of the ocean through international law.
LISBON, 30 June — While oceans cover 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface, providing food and livelihoods for 3 billion people, current understanding of its vast biochemical processes has not kept pace with the rapid changes it is experiencing, speakers in the sixth Lisbon dialogue stressed today, as they outlined a range of scientific and other initiatives to close the knowledge gap.
LISBON, 29 June — Government ministers and senior officials shared ambitious actions to harness the economic potential of the seas while preserving marine biodiversity, as the 2022 Ocean Conference entered its third day.
LISBON, 29 June — While small-scale fisheries provide jobs along the value chain for 60.2 million people — nearly 90 per cent of fishing employees worldwide — their voices are often undervalued and unrecognized in global food systems, experts and delegates alike stressed today, as participants in the fifth Lisbon dialogue explored ways to protect their valuable stocks from overexploitation.
LISBON, 29 June — The most important action countries can take to safeguard the diverse ecosystems, marine life and vital services offered by the world’s oceans is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, speakers stressed today in an interactive dialogue held alongside the 2022 Ocean Conference, as experts described the extreme consequences of continued inaction.
LISBON, 28 June — Small island developing States stressed that international law, strong partnerships and honoured commitments chart the way to sustainable ocean management, calling for broader legal rules and demanding greater action from those responsible for increased pressure on marine ecosystems as high-level discussion continued in the historic maritime city.
LISBON, June 28 — An historic World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement to end harmful fishing subsidies set the stage for participants in an interactive dialogue held alongside the 2022 Ocean Conference today to outline long overdue measures that would help small island developing States and least developed coastal nations reap the benefits of the estimated $2.5 trillion marine economy.