In Burkina Faso, nearly 6 million people are estimated to need assistance this year, according to the UN’s newly released 2025 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan, which aims to help 3.7 million people in support of the transitional authority’s national plan.
In progress at UNHQ
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Head of the UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) expressed concern about recent actions against Serbia-funded institutions there. UNMIK notes that the actions resulted in the closure of several institutions, including post offices, provisional institutions’ buildings and social welfare centres.
In Sudan, the World Food Programme announced today that despite enormous challenges and security risks to aid workers, food distributions in South Khartoum that began in late December to help over 70,000 people in Mayo and Aligaz — districts at risk of famine — are now complete.
In Ukraine, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that, according to authorities and partners, hostilities in the first week of January resulted in hundreds of casualties. Over the past three days, homes, gas facilities and electricity infrastructure have been damaged in front-line regions.
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs is deeply concerned by reports that a one-month-old baby in Gaza has died of hypothermia – the eighth child death due to the cold and lack of aid access in less than three weeks. Of 37 UN-led humanitarian missions planned over the weekend, 15 were denied outright.
The Security Council today extended for one year the mandate of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), expressing grave concern over the ongoing offensive by the 23 March Movement (M23) in North Kivu, in violation of the ceasefire, and the unauthorized presence of external forces from a neighbouring State in the eastern part of the country.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today released its first major global assessment of salt-affected soils in 50 years. It shows that nearly 1.4 billion hectares of land — which is about 10 per cent of the total global land area — are already impacted by salinity.
The map of violence often aligns with that of natural resources, the Head of the Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo told the Security Council today, while a civil society representative stressed that the country is not asking for charity but for justice.
In Lebanon, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that while the cessation of hostilities provides a much-needed respite, health needs remain overwhelming. Health services have been severely impacted, and widespread damage to water, sanitation and municipal infrastructure has heightened the risk of disease.
In Lebanon, the UN is focusing on the needs of displaced people who have begun returning home, those still displaced, host communities and those who never left impacted areas. The International Organization for Migration reports that in the first 24 hours of the ceasefire, nearly 580,000 people have begun returning home.