ANTALYA, Turkey, 28 May - Innovative approaches, creative financing measures and strong cross-sector partnerships were among the most effective, game-changing tools for lifting populations out of poverty and building a sound foundation for sustainable growth, delegates heard on day two of the Midterm Review for the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries.
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There was an urgent need for political action to bolster the ceasefire and end the suffering in Syria, but humanitarian access to the millions of people in need must never be open to negotiation, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator emphasized as he briefed the Security Council today.
The Security Council extended its authorization for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) until 8 July 2016 today, requesting that the Secretary-General maintain logistical support for it until that date.
The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) held a recorded vote today, by which it deferred action on the application of a youth group for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.
ANTALYA, Turkey, 27 May — The world’s 48 poorest countries were an enormous resource for global prosperity, but without redoubled efforts to help them enhance productivity, diversify their economies and weather external shocks, the full potential of their 900 million citizens would remain untapped, high-level speakers stressed today as the Midterm Review for the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries opened in Antalya, Turkey.
Stretched thin between the interlinked challenges of desertification, poverty and rising violent extremism, resolving challenges facing the Sahel region of Africa would require accelerated regional action and urgent international support, the Security Council heard during a series of briefings today.
The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations took a recorded vote today by which it deferred action on the application of a journalists’ group for special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council.
Justice and the rule of law remained critical key elements for the return to stability in Libya, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, told the Security Council this morning as it addressed the situation in that country.
During its recent visiting mission to the Horn of Africa, Council members reaffirmed the Security Council’s support for the ongoing political process in Somalia and met with top officials to address the region’s security and humanitarian challenges, co-leaders of the mission told the 15-member body in their briefing this morning.
The Security Council today terminated, with immediate effect, the sanctions regime on Liberia, including the arms restrictions that had remained following gradual lifting of measures as the Council deemed that progress had been made in emerging from the devastating civil conflict of past decades.