A new status should be created for indigenous peoples to participate more fully in the work of United Nations bodies, speakers in the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues said today, advocating a process that would allow them to choose their representatives in line with their unique legal and cultural norms.
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Emphasizing that justice was a fundamental building block of sustainable peace, the General Assembly today adopted a consensus resolution welcoming the report of the International Criminal Court for 2014/2015 and encouraging further dialogue between that institution and the United Nations.
Development projects that could have wide-ranging impacts on the traditional lands and territories of indigenous peoples needed to be subject to free, prior and informed consent, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues heard today.
Underscoring the critical importance of continued cooperation between the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan for peace, security, stability and their future relations, the Security Council today decided to extend the mandate of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) until 15 November.
With 37 Member States having paid all their assessments so far this year, speakers in the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today emphasized the need for all countries to fulfil their financial obligations to the United Nations — and warned of the impact on peacekeeping if they failed to do so.
High suicide rates among indigenous youth related directly to the severe — and often invisible — discriminatory pressures they confronted in reconciling past colonial injustices with their search for a better future, the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues heard today amid strong calls for education, health care and job opportunities that honoured their traditional heritage.
Concluding a two-day high-level thematic debate today, speakers in the General Assembly urged greater political will and the strengthening of partnerships to swiftly put in place improvements to the international peace and security architecture proposed recently by key United Nations panels.
Holding a day-long open debate on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts, the Security Council today requested that the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee present a proposal for a “comprehensive international framework” to counter terrorist narratives used in recruitment and incitement to violent acts.
Identifying key threats and engaging in a strategic reflection about today’s challenges to international peace and security, speakers discussed the means available and institutions required for an effective collective security architecture as the General Assembly convened a high-level thematic debate on the topic.
The collective rights of indigenous communities must be preserved and respected the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues heard today, as speakers took stock of progress made in the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.