In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


MANAGUA, 1 June — As the Pacific Regional Seminar on Decolonization entered its second day, delegates and experts and expressed concern about the effects of nuclear testing on the inhabitants of French Polynesia and the military build-up on Guam, calling on the administering Powers of both Non-Self-Governing Territories to address those issues.


Expressing its deep concern at the failure of South Sudan’s leaders to end hostilities and fully implement the agreement on resolving the conflict in that country, the Security Council today renewed until 31 May 2017 a package of sanctions — including a travel ban and asset freeze — imposed by resolution 2206 (2015) on those blocking peace, security and stability.


ANTALYA, Turkey, 28 May - Innovative approaches, creative financing measures and strong cross-sector partnerships were among the most effective, game-changing tools for lifting populations out of poverty and building a sound foundation for sustainable growth, delegates heard on day two of the Midterm Review for the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries.