The General Assembly today opened a three-day high-level meeting on ending AIDS with the adoption, without a vote, of a Political Declaration calling for urgent action and intensified efforts to ensure that the global response to HIV and AIDS left no one behind.
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The General Assembly recognized today the right of return of all internally displaced persons and refugees in Georgia and their descendants, regardless of ethnicity, to their homes throughout that country, including Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia.
Future science, technology and innovation forums should work cumulatively, learning and advancing on the achievements of previous sessions, the President of the Economic and Social Council said today, as the first annual multi-stakeholder forum concluded.
Progress in science, technology and innovation would be key to delivering the Sustainable Development Goals, Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said today at the opening of the United Nations first annual multi-stakeholder forum on the topic.
The sense of hope and optimism felt in Libya following the signing of that country’s political deal last December was giving way to a growing sense of impatience and concern, the Security Council heard today during a briefing on the latest developments in the North African country.
In a conflictual world characterized by scattered power, global peace and security would only stand a chance only if nations and regions united against common threats transcending their borders, the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy told the Security Council today, amid calls for greater cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations.
Concluding a three-day coordination and management segment today, the Economic and Social Council took note of a text on financing for development and heard an introduction to the annual overview report of the Organization’s Chief Executives Board.
The Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) today approved without a vote a draft resolution on peacekeeping, and heard the introduction of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations’ report on its 2016 session.
The Economic and Social Council today adopted seven draft resolutions, two by recorded vote, and two draft decisions, as it addressed the advancement of women, social development and non-communicable diseases on the second day of its coordination and management meeting.
Sexual violence was increasingly evolving from a tactic of war to one of terrorism, speakers said today, as the Security Council held an open debate on the use of sexual violence in conflict situations.