The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples today approved Grenada as the host of its 2019 Caribbean Regional Seminar, to be held from 2 to 4 May.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
Delegates in the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), on the second day of the first part of its resumed session, turned their attention today to the way in which United Nations staff members travel the world, taking up a proposal from the Secretary-General aimed at limiting their use of business class.
When women work to rise to the top, whether in politics, business or community advocacy, they face resistance, discrimination, social stereotypes and double standards, the President of the General Assembly said today as she opened a high-level event on “Women in Power”.
The General Assembly today adopted a decision (document A/73/L.77) by which it accredited and invited organizations identified in a note by the Secretariat to participate as observers in the second High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, in accordance with resolution 71/318 of 28 August 2017.
The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today opened the first part of its resumed seventy-third session, adopting its work programme, reviewing the Joint Inspection Unit’s annual report and considering progress in implementing the United Nations information and communications technology (ICT) strategy.
The General Assembly today underscored how the global diamond certification scheme can contribute to international peace and security and sustainable development, while also proclaiming 2021–2030 the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
The crucial, interlinked and deeply dependent themes of migration and sustainable development took centre stage during a special high-level meeting of the General Assembly today, as participants called for urgent, evidence-based and inclusive policies aimed at making migration less risky for all.
Concluding its annual session today, the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on Strengthening the Role of the Organization adopted its 2019 draft report and forwarded its recommendations to the General Assembly.
The Special Committee on Decolonization opened its 2019 session today, electing Keisha Aniya McGuire (Grenada) as its chair and approving its tentative work programme and timetable.
There is no alternative to a peaceful settlement of the five-year conflict in Ukraine, with deployment of a United Nations-mandated peacekeeping operation there being an effective tool to bring peace, speakers told the General Assembly today.