The General Assembly today adopted two resolutions promoting the importance of sport as a unifier and proclaiming 24 January the International Day of Education, as it also heard a briefing on progress in the investigation into the death of former Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
The General Assembly today concluded its annual debate on the question of Palestine and the situation in the Middle East by adopting six resolutions — including one calling for a final peace settlement to the Israeli‑Palestinian conflict — with some speakers warning against biased, one‑sided texts.
Enhancing and expanding developing countries’ access to pro‑poor technologies are among a range of targeted measures the General Assembly would promote, according to the provisions of 1 of 12 draft resolutions the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) approved today.
The international community must take urgent action to end the suffering of the Palestinian people, ensure that Israel abides by all international laws and promote the conditions where two‑State talks can flourish, the General Assembly heard today as it began a debate on the question of Palestine.
The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) began its consideration of the proposed 2019 budgets of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) today, with Iraq’s representative underscoring his Government’s opposition to any cutbacks to the funding for UNAMI or to the number of positions held by Iraqi nationals within the Mission.
The General Assembly would express profound alarm that greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise worldwide and remain deeply concerned that all nations are experiencing an increase in adverse impacts of climate change, according to one of eight draft resolutions the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) approved today.
Delegates in the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today threw their support behind the Secretary‑General’s efforts to bolster the Organization’s global resident coordinator system – an integral part of ongoing efforts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - by backing his request for an appropriation of $13.57 million for 2019.
The Palestinian people’s struggle is not directed against Judaism as a religion, but against the colonial occupation of their land and people, the Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine said during a special observance today.
The General Assembly today elected by secret ballot Joëlle Adda (France) and Francesco Buffa (Italy) as judges on the United Nations Dispute Tribunal and Jean-François Neven (Belgium), Graeme Colgan (New Zealand) and Kanwaldeep Sandhu (Canada) as judges on the Appeals Tribunal.
The General Assembly adopted nine resolutions today, eight of which focused on promoting cooperation between the United Nations and myriad regional and international organizations, as Member States repeatedly stressed the need for countries to work together to achieve common goals and targets.