In progress at UNHQ


In West and Central Africa, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that the region continues to experience catastrophic flooding, with more than 7 million people impacted across 16 countries. Chad, Niger, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been the most affected.


Debating the continuing transfer of arms supplies to the warring parties in Ukraine, speakers in the Security Council meeting requested by the Russian Federation voiced concerns over the potential diversion and proliferation of weapons in this and other conflicts, with many calling the military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang “alarming”.


The Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine continues to inflict suffering on civilians, as well as inflame regional and global tensions, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today, as speakers voiced alarm over the reported military cooperation between Moscow and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), with troops from Pyongyang expected to participate in ground operations.

The UN Secretary-General has issued a statement of deep concern over the Israeli Knesset’s adoption Monday of two laws, which if implemented, would likely prevent the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) from continuing its essential work in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Peacekeepers, supporting flood response, have airlifted medical supplies from Agok airstrip in the southern part of Abyei to other parts of the region, to ensure medical stocks, and the Mission is doing weekly flights to multiple areas in Abyei helping to provide humanitarian assistance to communities that are cut off because of flooding.