Russian Federation


Supplying weapons to Ukraine is legitimate and in line with the Charter of the United Nations, as it will help that country defend itself against the Russian Federation’s aggression, the Security Council heard today, as members presented diverging perspectives on the West’s approach to achieving a just and lasting settlement to the war.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today released its World Forests report, which says that forests face increasing climate-related stress amid growing demand for their products. The report also warns that climate change is making our forests more vulnerable to stressors such as wildfires and pests.


The General Assembly today adopted a resolution that demands that the Russian Federation immediately return the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant to the full control of the sovereign and competent authorities of Ukraine to ensure its safety and security, also adopting a decision and a related amendment concerning civil society participation in the high-level Summit of the Future.

The UN, along with humanitarian aid partners, last night launched a response plan calling for $9 million to support 43,000 people impacted by Hurricane Beryl in Grenada and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Immediate action is crucial, particularly in light of what is expected to be a very intense hurricane season.