In progress at UNHQ

Fifth Committee


Concluding its second resumed session, the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today sent 22 draft resolutions and one decision to the General Assembly, asking the world body to authorize the allocation of $8.26 billion to finance 15 peacekeeping missions for the year beginning 1 July 2015 and to take action on a number of pressing issues, including responding to recent allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse.


Additional $88.1 million was needed to support the “last mile” of the international response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the United Nations Controller told the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today as delegates reiterated concern about significant resources spent to support the operation’s high-level staff positions.


As Haiti approached presidential and municipal elections, adequate international support was needed to avoid a security vacuum and a loss of gains made towards democracy and development, the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) heard today as it weighed a substantial cut to the 2015/16 budget of the United Nations peacekeeping operation in that country.


Pronouncing the United Nations financial health at the end of 2014 as “generally sound” and its cash position at the end of April of this year as “sound and positive”, the Organization’s senior management official told the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today that some areas needed to be closely monitored and that Member States must make all efforts to meet their obligations.