In progress at UNHQ

Fifth Committee


Delegates at today’s Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) meeting aired their concerns on the financing of the proposed renovation of the historic Palais des Nations in Geneva – estimated to tally nearly $1 billion - and the Secretariat’s first year of work in carrying out a comprehensive information and communications technology strategy.


The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today began examining the proposed compensation package for the United Nations system, including a more performance-linked pay system, a single pay scale for staff with or without dependents, as well as implementation of the new retirement age of 65 for existing staff by 1 January 2017.


The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today approved a draft resolution that aimed to improve the quality of conference services held in its offices around the globe while upholding the equal use of its six official languages in the written world of documents and publications as well as crucial interpretation and translation services.


A United Nations initiative to improve its delivery of administrative services worldwide, known as the Global Service Delivery Model, came under scrutiny today by the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), as delegates pointed out that the envisioned system lacked an overall plan for integration with other ongoing business transformation drives.