The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Olof Skoog (Sweden):
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Security Council
Expressing its concerns over the prevalence of violent extremism that could be conducive to terrorism, the Security Council strongly condemned all terrorist attacks in West Africa, notably those carried out by Boko Haram in the Lake Chad Basin.
The Security Council endorsed today the decisions of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union to recognize Adama Barrow as President-elect of the Gambia.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Olof Skoog (Sweden):
On 18 January 2017, the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999), 1989 (2011) and 2253 (2015) enacted the amendments specified with underline and strikethrough in the entry below on its ISIL (Da’esh) and Al-Qaida Sanctions List of individuals and entities subject to the assets freeze, travel ban and arms embargo set out in paragraph 2 of Security Council resolution 2253 (2015) adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations:
Delegates in the Security Council today called for the continued implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear programme, praising the historic accord as a significant diplomatic achievement that had made the world a safer place in the first year of its performance.
A car bomb that killed more than 50 people at a military base in Gao this morning was a stark reminder of the multiple obstacles hobbling Mali’s ongoing peace process, the head of United Nations peacekeeping told the Security Council today.
Divisive positions among Israelis and Palestinians following last month’s adoption of resolution 2334 (2016) risked destroying the prospects for peace, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council today, stressing that both sides must create the conditions for launching direct final-status negotiations.
On 13 January 2017, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan issued the following Implementation Assistance Notice.
Amid a “rising tide of democracy” across the African continent, the United Nations must continue to support regional efforts to ensure that the Gambia’s recent election results were upheld, stressed the Organization’s senior official in West Africa and the Sahel as he briefed the Security Council this morning.