From 25 to 28 June, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) and the Government of China hosted the fourth “Training Course for UN Security Council resolution 1540 Points of Contact in the Asia-Pacific Region” in Beijing, China.
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Security Council: No name
On 1 July 2024, the Security Council Committee pursuant to resolution 2713 (2023) concerning Al-Shabaab was briefed by the Coordinator of the Panel of Experts pursuant to resolution 2713 (2023) on its comprehensive midterm update.
In the wake of the Houthis’ 19 July attack on Tel Aviv and Israel’s 20 July retaliation against the port of Hudaydah in Yemen, two senior United Nations officials stressed the urgent need to avoid regional escalation before the Security Council today, as members expressed similar concern but disagreed over the party ultimately responsible for the latest developments.
Amid the stalemate in Syria’s political situation, speakers urged the Security Council today to maintain their focus on that country, emphasizing that the consequences of neglecting the 14-year conflict could be severe for both the country and the region.
The Security Council today adopted a resolution strengthening the mandate of the Focal Point for Delisting — set out in resolution 1730 (2006) to receive requests for delisting from United Nations sanctions regimes — and establishing an Informal Working Group on general sanctions issues.
The Secretaries-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) told the Security Council today of the need for enhanced cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations like theirs, as Council members — despite expressing support for regional expertise — disagreed over how increasing challenges in the Eurasian region should be addressed.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Vassily A. Nebenzia (Russian Federation):
The Security Council today heard growing calls for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, as speakers reiterated their concern about the ongoing war’s unspeakable toll on civilians and the dwindling prospect for a two-State solution for Israel and Palestine.
Following are UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ remarks, delivered by Chef de Cabinet Courtenay Rattray, to the Security Council open debate on the Middle East, in New York today:
In a time of unprecedented global challenges and escalating conflicts, States must commit to multilateralism to allow for the emergence of a more just, democratic and sustainable world order, the Security Council heard today in a ministerial-level open debate.