As the P5+1 and Iran continued negotiations on a comprehensive agreement relating to that country’s nuclear programme, the measures imposed by the Security Council through resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and 1929 (2010) remained in full effect, the Chair of the Iran Sanctions Committee told the 15-member body today, underlining the obligation of States to implement them.
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With all major armed groups in Mali now signed onto a peace agreement, it was now imperative to put in place actions to end violence and ensure that the population experienced a tangible dividend, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General told the Security Council this morning.
The progress Afghanistan had recently made in the interrelated economic, security and political areas should neither be undervalued nor breed complacency, the top United Nations official in that country told the Security Council today, urging the international community to work towards lasting peace and reconciliation by facilitating direct talks between the Government and armed groups.
Puerto Rico remained locked in a cycle of poverty, brain drain and sluggish economic development caused by the “imperialist” policies of the United States, the Special Committee of 24 was told today as it heard from more than 30 petitioners on the matter and approved a resolution urging the United States to allow Puerto Ricans to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination.
Addressing a range of items on its agenda, the General Assembly today adopted five resolutions and one decision, including texts on the Law of Sea, on the establishment of the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict and on achieving peace in Africa by 2020.
Decrying a marked increase in grave violations committed against children in conflict zones, the Security Council today added abduction to the list of such crimes to be closely monitored, during an open debate on the issue that heard from some 80 speakers.
Challenges in protecting civilians, asymmetric threats faced by mission personnel and caveats imposed by troop-contributing countries figured prominently in the Security Council today, as that body heard from the top United Nations peacekeeping official and force commanders on the operational hurdles related to the implementation of peacekeeping mandates.
Exploiting the opportunities for further engagement among the committees established to counter terrorism, address the Al-Qaida threat and halt proliferation of mass destruction weapons would lead to a “multiplier effect” in the delivery of results, those bodies’ Chairs told the Security Council today.
The Special Committee of 24, resuming its annual session today, approved several texts, including on the dissemination of information on decolonization to the Non-Self-Governing Territories, with particular emphasis on the options for self-determination, and the transmission of information from them, while also considering the question of Gibraltar.
The General Assembly today elected by acclamation Mogens Lykketoft, Speaker of Parliament of Denmark, as President of its seventieth session, also selecting, in consecutive meetings, Bureaux members of its six Main Committees.