Peacekeeping, peacebuilding and children in armed conflict had been the centrepieces of the Security Council’s work over the past four weeks, said the Permanent Representative of Malaysia, President of the body for June, in a monthly wrap-up meeting this afternoon.
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Global, concerted action was immediately needed to halt greenhouse gas emissions, put a price tag on carbon and catalyse green growth, the General Assembly heard today, concluding its High-level Event on Climate Change.
The Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court this afternoon urged Member States and the Security Council to play their crucial roles in securing Sudan’s compliance in bringing to justice those charged with grave crimes, following the Council’s referral of the situation in Darfur.
The Security Council today extended the mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) for six months, until 31 December 2015, requesting the Secretary-General to ensure that the Mission had the required capacity and resources to fulfil its mandate in a safe and secure way.
As a “nightmare of violence and destruction” continued without end in Syria, it was crucial for humanitarian workers to use every route, across borders and conflict lines, to deliver live-saving aid, a top United Nations humanitarian official told the Security Council this morning.
The Security Council this morning renewed the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) in Sudan until 30 June 2016, maintaining current authorized strength and the priority of civilian protection along with benchmarks for eventual completion of the mission.
The Security Council today extended the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) until 30 June 2016, within the authorized troop ceiling of 11,240 military personnel, including, for the first time, at least 40 military observers in order to monitor and supervise the country’s ceasefire.
Welcoming what he called a “gratifying shift” in the climate change dialogue, the President of Kiribati today urged the international community to ponder ways to further contribute to that positive development, as the General Assembly held a high-level event to provide impetus towards reaching a universal and ambitious agreement in Paris in December.
The Economic and Social Council today requested that the United Nations Development Group and the High-level Committee on Management fully align their efforts to monitor the implementation of the quadrennial comprehensive policy review, as it concluded the operational activities segment of its 2015 session.
Expressing concern over what it called grave threats to security in Burundi as elections approached, the Security Council this afternoon called for the urgent holding of inclusive dialogue between parties there to create the conditions — and determine an appropriate schedule — for peaceful and credible polls.