The High-level Political Forum, convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council, must provide robust monitoring and follow-up to the post-2015 sustainable development agenda while taking into consideration the national realities and priorities of States, said speakers as the Forum opened its general debate this afternoon.
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Meetings Coverage
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today launched the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report as the Economic and Social Council began a three-day ministerial segment of its High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, with two related panel discussions on stakeholder roles and emerging challenges.
The General Assembly today adopted a resolution reaffirming that violent extremism “cannot and should not” be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group, and underlining the importance of moderation as a value within societies for fostering tolerance and understanding.
MOSCOW, 2 July — Experts called for an expansion of the Middle East Quartet, implementation of the Arab Peace Initiative and greater awareness of it in Israel, and a Security Council resolution setting a timetable to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as the United Nations International Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace continued in Moscow this morning.
Representatives of Governments, international organizations and civil society today reflected on ways of promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns, mobilizing resources needed to invest in the post-2015 future and tracking progress of established goals through existing mechanisms during three panel discussions at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
MOSCOW, 2 July — Establishing Palestinian unity, ending Israel’s settlement activity, and ensuring respect for human rights were key factors in breaking the current impasse and achieving the two-State solution, experts said as the United Nations International Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace concluded this afternoon in Moscow.
MOSCOW, 1 July — The steps that needed to be taken by all parties to implement the two-State solution, a halt to Israeli settlement activity, the plight of Arab Israelis, Palestinian reconciliation and a new international framework to advance the peace process were discussed this afternoon as the United Nations International Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace held its first plenary session.
MOSCOW, 1 July — As a vicious tide of terror and extremism swept the Middle East, the international community must stay focused on resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the two-State solution as the only viable way to make that happen, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his message to the United Nations International Meeting in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace, which opened this morning in Moscow.
Small island developing States’ narrow resource base, remoteness and heavy dependence on volatile export markets were just part of the reason why they required “special” attention in the broader development discourse, the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development heard today, as representatives of Governments and civil society explored the themes of partnership and outreach in the post-2015 era during three panel discussions.
A major obstacle to the integration of the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development was a “silo” mentality among stakeholders, especially among politicians and institutions, a panellist told the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development today as it continued its 2015 annual session with two panels that explored policymaking in the post-2015 era.