The Conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to ban nuclear weapons decided to retain the entire revised draft treaty (document A/CONF.229/2017/L.3) today, ahead of the text’s scheduled adoption on 7 July.
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The Conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument with a view to prohibiting nuclear weapons resumed today, considering a newly revised draft treaty due to be sent to capitals for final approval.
The Peacebuilding Commission opened its fourth annual session today, adopting a joint statement with the World Bank to reaffirm the importance of a strong relationship between the two bodies, as outlined in the newly signed United Nations-World Bank Partnership Framework for Crisis-Affected Situations.
Approving the appropriation of $6.80 billion for 14 peacekeeping operations for the 2017/18 fiscal period, the General Assembly today adopted 21 resolutions and one decision contained in reports from its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary). (See Press Release GA/AB/4239.)
Breaking decades of diplomatic paralysis would require greater involvement by civil society in pushing Governments to take action to end Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory, the 1997 Nobel Peace Laureate said today, the second and final day of the June Forum.
Briefly resuming its discussion today, the Conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons approved a revised indicative timetable for the week of 3‑7 July (document A/CONF.229/2017/3/Add.3) and heard reports on progress made in the ongoing negotiations.
Hailing the handover of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army’s (FARC-EP) remaining weapons to a United Nations-backed team as a “true example” of courage and commitment to peace, Security Council members today pledged to support Colombia as it transitioned out of its five-decades-long civil conflict.
The transition of the United Nations mission in Haiti, cholera and issues of justice and impunity dominated discussions between the Security Council and stakeholders on the ground, the Council President for June said today as he gave an overview of the recent visit to the Caribbean nation.
The Security Council, in a presidential statement today, emphasized that the withdrawal of the 13‑year‑old United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) “does not mark the end of the support of the United Nations” to the West African nation.
Expressing its deep concern over the number of civilians killed or maimed by landmines, improvised devices and other deadly remnants of war, the Security Council today called on the international community to end the carnage by acceding to regulatory treaties and supporting physical removal of such explosives.