In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


The Economic and Social Council’s High-Level Political Forum tasked with reviewing progress on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development opened its second annual session today, with participants welcoming its focus on particular goals and targets, as well as its central theme of poverty eradication and the promotion of prosperity “in our changing world”.


Continuing its annual coordination and management segment, the Economic and Social Council today adopted a range of texts on such issues as narcotic drug control, human rights, and science and technology for development as it reviewed the work of its relevant subsidiary bodies and heard from senior officials on those topics.


Briefing Member States on the eve of the Economic and Social Council’s coordination and management meeting, and in the lead-up to the High-Level Political Forum, Secretary-General António Guterres today presented a raft of proposals aimed at repositioning the United Nations development system to make it more capable of supporting the 2030 Agenda and delivering “tangible results in the lives of the people we serve”.