The Security Council today extended the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) until 31 July 2018, also calling upon that country’s Government to continue providing security and logistical support to the Organization’s presence on the ground.
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The interlinking nature of the Sustainable Development Goals represented an important opportunity to increase the efficiency, effectiveness and scale of future development efforts, speakers said today, as the Economic and Social Council wrapped up the first segment of its High-Level Political Forum.
Political Will Needed in Fighting Boko Haram, Delegates Stress, as Bolivia, Russian Federation Warn against Interventionism, ‘Outside Meddling’
Despite laudable progress towards democratic consolidation, the security situation in West Africa and the Sahel remained a concern, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative told the Security Council today, stressing that terrorism and violent extremism were hampering efforts to improve infrastructure and create jobs.
The General Assembly today reaffirmed its support for the Organization’s new approach to cholera in Haiti, including the establishment of the United Nations Haiti Cholera Response Multi-Partner Trust Fund, and invited Member States, donors, financial institutions, the private sector and others to extend financial support for the initiative.
The Security Council strongly condemned violence by armed groups in the Central African Republic today and called upon all their leaders immediately to cease hostilities so that all parties could agree on a new road map to sustainable peace.
Building on the momentum of the recent United Nations Ocean Conference, speakers today warned that, with the well-being of the world’s oceans at risk, humankind must turn the tide on its relationship with water bodies across the planet, as the Economic and Social Council’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development continued.
Senior United Nations officials warned of an appalling humanitarian situation in Yemen, amid intensifying conflict, famine and a fully-fledged cholera outbreak, as they briefed the Security Council this morning.
Speakers today voiced deep concern at the continued prevalence of the long‑standing — and often intersecting — challenges of gender discrimination and health inequality, as the Economic and Social Council’s High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development entered the third day of its annual session.
Several Security Council members insisted today that the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo hold free, fair, and inclusive elections by the end of the year and without further delay, as the head of United Nations peacekeeping briefed them on the situation in that country.
The Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) concluded its work for the seventy-first session of the General Assembly today, approving a draft resolution on peacekeeping (document A/C.4/71/L.18).