In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


To uphold its noble legacy, United Nations peacekeepers must adopt a more flexible posture, tailored to specific conflicts and endowed with the resources and capabilities needed to improve foresight in tackling new threats, delegates in the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations said today as they concluded their general debate.


The time had come for the United Nations, its Member States and other partners to engage in a frank discussion on the future of peacekeeping in response to ever-changing threats and challenges in some of the world’s most hostile environments, the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations heard today as it opened its 2018 substantive session.


Despite military setbacks and loss of territory last year, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da'esh) was a present and continuing threat, the senior United Nations official for counter‑terrorism told the Security Council today, as he presented the Secretary‑General’s sixth report on the international and regional threat posed by that group (document S/2018/80).


The establishment of the Specialist Chambers in Kosovo had been a major achievement, and recent attempts to abrogate the 2015 law supporting its work were cause for grave concern, the senior United Nations official in the Balkans told the Security Council today, adding that the assassination of a Kosovo-Serb politician in January had shaken the region.