Speakers highlighted the importance of nuclear non‑proliferation treaties and of strengthening confidence and trust among political leaders of the Korean Peninsula and the Middle East, as the Security Council held a high‑level briefing today on preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
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Ending a languishing humanitarian crisis in Libya and stamping out the spectre of violence and clashes that continued to kill and injure civilians across the country hinged on strong international support for an effective Government, the Secretary‑General’s Special Representative told the Security Council today.
The Security Council’s visiting mission to Afghanistan in January had revealed that it would take more than a military solution for the conflict in that country to end, and that there had been added challenges to the peace process such as the existence of sanctuaries for the Taliban abroad, the permanent representative of Kazakhstan told the 15‑member organ today.
Despite progress in West Africa and the Sahel, particularly regarding democratic and peaceful political transitions, the security situation in the region remained a grave concern, the Security Council heard today in a briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary‑General in the region.
Meeting today to discuss the updated situation in Darfur, Security Council members focused on the first of two phases for the reconfiguration of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), while noting developments with regard to the political process and the humanitarian situation on the ground.
Although the reintegration of former guerrilla combatants in Colombia was on track, the level of accumulated frustration with that process would not be easily overcome, the Security Council heard today, as representatives also expressed concern about the possible ramifications stemming from the broken ceasefire between the Government and the National Liberation Army (ELN).
Discussing the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo today, Security Council members expressed their concern about the recent protests in the country over the delays in holding presidential elections, as well as violence last December that left 15 United Nations peacekeepers dead and many others wounded.
Recent protests sweeping Iran had resulted in more than 20 deaths, a top United Nations political official told the Security Council today, as the body met for an emergency session on the matter despite objections from some representatives who argued that the Council was not the proper forum for such a debate.
Upon the recommendation of its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), the General Assembly wrapped up the main part of its seventy-second session today, adopting a $5.397 billion budget for the United Nations for the 2018-2019 biennium and switching the Organization, on a trial basis, to a year-by-year budget cycle.
The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) wrapped up the main part of its seventy-second session today, recommending that the General Assembly adopt a $5.397 billion budget for the United Nations for the 2018-2019 biennium and approve switching the Organization, on a trial basis, to a year-by-year budget cycle.