Welcoming actions by the Inter-Parliamentary Union to continue pursuing more systematic, meaningful engagement with the United Nations, the General Assembly today encouraged both organizations to enhance their cooperation in meeting common aims across the three dimensions of sustainable development.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
The Special Committee on Decolonization today approved a draft resolution reaffirming the inalienable right of the people of Puerto Rico to self-determination and independence, and calling upon the United States to assume its responsibility to promote a process to those ends.
To a burst of applause, the General Assembly proclaimed 24 June of each year the International Day of Women in Diplomacy, adopting by consensus a resolution today reaffirming that the participation of women, on equal terms with men, at all levels of decision-making is essential to the achievement of sustainable development, peace and democracy.
The General Assembly remains unable to complete the election of members to the Economic and Social Council to replace those whose terms are expiring on 31 December.
With New Caledonia in a critical phase of its decolonization process, stakeholders offered the Special Committee on Decolonization contesting reports on a recent referendum conducted in the Territory.
The Special Committee on Decolonization opened the substantive part of its 2022 session today, approving two draft resolutions related to information collected from, and critical visiting missions deployed to, the world’s 17 remaining Non-Self-Governing territories.
Spotlighting the strong connection between multilingualism and multilateralism, delegates in the General Assembly today adopted a resolution reaffirming the equality of the six official languages of the United Nations and urging the Organization to ensure parity among them in its communications and publications.
Delegates in the General Assembly today pressed the Security Council to deliver an annual report that moves beyond a simple compilation of activities and scrutinizes its urgent and critical work to uphold global peace and security, as they reviewed the Council’s 2021 activities after electing five non-permanent members to the 15-member body.
After China and the Russian Federation vetoed a draft resolution in the Security Council on 26 May aimed at tightening the sanctions regime against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the General Assembly today held a debate on the issue, with speakers expressing diverging views on that country’s actions related to nuclear non-proliferation and security in the Korean Peninsula.
The General Assembly elected Csaba Kőrösi (Hungary), Director of Environmental Sustainability at the Office of the President, by acclamation today to serve as President of its seventy-seventh session, while also electing the Bureaus of its six Main Committees.