Against the backdrop of a world menaced by manifold crises including food and fuel insecurity, financial instability, terrorism and climate change, Heads of State and Ministers from around the world today stressed the urgency of ending the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which threatens Europe and the entire world on multiple levels, as the General Assembly high-level debate entered its second day.
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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage
Amidst war in Ukraine, a climate emergency, and conflict and crisis around the globe, Secretary-General António Guterres sounded the alarm on a world in peril and urged leaders gathered for the first day of the annual General Assembly high-level debate today to urgently overcome divisions and act together.
The General Assembly today adopted its work programme for the seventy-seventh session, deciding to include a range of new items on its agenda, also noting that practical arrangements will continue to be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Gathered to pay tribute to the memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, General Assembly delegates and senior officials today recognized the seven decades of leadership and service the Queen gave her country, the Commonwealth of Nations and the world, as well as her steadfast belief in multilateralism and the enduring values that inspired the Charter of the United Nations.
The General Assembly opened its seventy-seventh session today, with its newly elected President urging Member States to work together to develop solutions rooted in sustainability and science for a world rife with conflict and crisis.
The General Assembly concluded its seventy-sixth session today, with outgoing President Abdulla Shahid (Maldives) urging the international community not to lose hope in the face of myriad global challenges so the United Nations can continue delivering to those in need.
The General Assembly adopted today a series of resolutions without a vote, including one in which it affirms its willingness to examine all options for “adequate, predictable and sustainable” financing of United Nations peacebuilding activities, further deciding to establish a United Nations Office for Youth and convening a “Summit of the Future”, to be held on 22 and 23 September 2024 in New York.
The General Assembly today commemorated the International Day against Nuclear Tests, with speakers underscoring the urgent need for universal adherence and entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty.
The General Assembly adopted four consensus resolutions today on global health, zero-tolerance for sexual abuse and justice for victims of sexual violence, with the latter surviving four separate attempts to alter its language around multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against women and girls.
The Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People approved its annual report today, as the State of Palestine’s ambassador urged the international community to use the tools at its disposal to pressure Israel and hold it accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people.