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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage


​​​​​​​Delegates in the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) today expressed strong support for the Secretary-General’s request for $2.31 million for the creation of a Youth Office as they also voiced various concerns over the enterprise resource planning project — known as Umoja — and capital investment planning on information and communications technology (ICT).


​​​​​​​The General Assembly adopted five resolutions today, four by recorded vote, on the questions of Palestine and the Middle East, including a text that called on Israel to cease all actions contrary to international law that are aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


Against a background of increasing violence, shrinking civil society space and creeping annexation, speakers at a special meeting of the Palestinian Rights Committee to observe the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People stressed the need to mobilize efforts to hold Israel accountable, including through the International Court of Justice.


The Second Committee (Economic and Financial) today approved 16 draft resolutions, voting on an operative paragraph and entire draft, expressing deep concern in a text on poverty eradication that progress in reducing this scourge remains uneven, with 1.3 billion people still living in multidimensional poverty, 84 per cent of whom live in rural areas.