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General Assembly: Meetings Coverage


The raging war in Gaza is the latest symptom of the international community’s epic failure to address decades of Israel’s illegality and impunity, the expert tasked with monitoring human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories told the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as delegates also engaged in interactive dialogues on the human rights situations in Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia.


The window of opportunity to enact guardrails against the perils of autonomous weapons and artificial intelligence’s military applications is rapidly closing, as the world prepares for a “technological breakout”, the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) heard today during a day-long debate on how use of science and technology can undermine security.


As the Sixth Committee (Legal) began its consideration of the International Law Commission report today, speakers took up the first of three clusters of topics, including the chapters on “General principles of law”, “Sea-level rise in relation to international law” and “Other decisions and conclusions of the Commission”, while also discussing the Commission’s approach and working methods.


The plight of internally displaced persons and human rights implications of foreign debt were among concerns addressed in briefings to the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as delegates also discussed the human rights situations in the Central African Republic, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Myanmar.


Enhanced understanding of international law facilitates greater inclusion in global decision-making and fosters cooperation among those seeking such knowledge, speakers said today in the Sixth Committee (Legal), as they praised the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law.


Special mandates holders called for domicide, starvation as a war tactic, and poverty wages to be classified as war crimes and rights violations,  while delegates also sounded an alarm over terrorist threats to civilian populations in Israel and Palestine, as the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its series of dialogues on human rights today.


Positions hardened over two competing approaches to preventing an outer space arms race — one promoting responsible behaviours through voluntary commitments and the other calling for an early start of negotiations on a legally binding instrument — as the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) concluded its thematic debate on the subject today.