In progress at UNHQ

Women and gender issues

The UN Department of Peace Operations has launched its annual report on women, peace and security. The report highlights the work done by UN peacekeepers on gender equality, and it says that the rapid spread and intensity of armed conflicts and protracted crises has heavily impacted women and girls worldwide.

In Bangladesh, prior to the anticipated landfall of a cyclone in the southern parts of the country, the World Food Programme (WFP) swiftly dispatched cash assistance to 30,000 families — about 150,000 people — most at risk, as part of WFP’s flagship programme “Anticipatory Action” for climate shocks.


From Gaza and Ukraine to Sudan and Afghanistan, women, youth and children are bearing the brunt of conflicts, war and an ever-increasing global rollback of human rights, the Security Council heard today, as speakers outlined best practices to improve the participation of women and young people in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.


NEW YORK, 7 May (Department of Peace Operations) — The United Nations has announced that Major Ahlem Douzi, who serves as a justice officer with the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), will receive the second United Nations Trailblazer Award for Women Justice and Corrections Officers.

Following the official installation of the Transitional Presidential Council in Port-au-Prince today, the Secretary-General reiterated his call for the swift deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti to assist the Haitian National Police in addressing the dire security situation in the country.


The global escalation of conflict-related sexual violence — disproportionately affecting women and girls — must be addressed through demilitarization, enforcement of arms embargoes, gender-responsive arms control and strengthened accountability, the Security Council heard today during its annual open debate on the matter.