In progress at UNHQ

Statements and Messages


These are the remarks of Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali at a diner given by Mayor Rudolph Guiliani of New York City for heads of State and government at the World Trade Centre on 21 October:


I am here to pay tribute to New York City, the home of the United Nations.

And I salute New York City's welcome to the heads of State and government who have come form all over the world for this fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations.


These are the remarks of Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali today when accepting a gift to the United Nations from the Republic of Estonia:


On behalf of the United Nations, I wish to thank the Government and people of the Republic of Estonia for this wonderful example of Estonian decorative folk art.

This work is entitled "Mother Tree". It is the work of the distinguished artist Anu Raud, a poetess of Estonian folk weaving. It beautifully, eloquently, and powerfully expresses the national identify of the Estonian people.


Following is the text of the toast delivered by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali at the luncheon for heads of State and government held at Headquarters on 22 October:


I am grateful to heads of State and government for coming here to mark the first fifty years of the United Nations. The United Nations deserves the honour you show it by your presence. This is because the United Nations is the Organization that works for tomorrow.


Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali met with the following heads of State or Government on Friday, 20 October:

11 a.m. Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin; 12:30 p.m. Prime Minister of Sweden, Ingvar Carlsson; 3:45 p.m. President of Zaire, Mobuto Sese Seko; 5:30 p.m. President of Finland, Martti Ahtisaari; and 6 p.m. President of Botswana, Sir Ketumile Masire.


Following is the text of a message sent today by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to Willy Claes, Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization:


"Dear Mr. Secretary General

"I have learned with great regret of your resignation from the position of Secretary General of NATO.


Address to Summit Expresses Concern for `Weak and Deprived' In Emerging Global Society, Warns against Dangers of `Exclusion'


This is the text of an address by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros- Ghali today, delivered in English and French, to the eleventh Summit Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned Countries, at Cartagena de Indias, Colombia:



Statement Marking First Anniversary of Leader's Return Commends Progress in Meeting Major Challenges


This is the statement of Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali at a ceremony in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on 15 October commemorating the return of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide:

On behalf of the United Nations and the entire international community, I want to tell you how happy we are to celebrate with you the first anniversary of your return to your country.

This anniversary day also has a particularly auspicious significance for all of us.


Following is the translation of the toast proposed by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali at the dinner hosted by President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Saturday, 14 October, in Port-au-Prince:


I should like first of all to say what a great pleasure it is for me to be once again among you, at this dinner.

I should, in particular, like to thank you, Mr. President, for the warmth of your welcome and the quality of your hospitality, which my wife and I particularly appreciate.