General Assembly

Progress on Palestinian status at the United Nations would generate a “new dynamic in the peace process” and help safeguard the two-State solution, stressed the Palestinian Rights Committee this morning as it adopted its latest report and heard a briefing on plans to present a resolution to the General Assembly on the matter in the coming months.
Elaborating a harmonized post-2015 sustainable development agenda and developing a consultative mechanism between the General Assembly and global economic institutions would top that body’s priorities during its sixty-seventh annual session, said its President during a Headquarters press conference today.
The rule of law will take centre stage at United Nations Headquarters next week, as Heads of State and Government gather for the first-ever high-level General Assembly meeting on that topic, and for the 2012 Treaty Event to be held under the same theme, experts involved in those initiatives said at a press conference today.
Miguel Berger, Deputy Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations, was elected Chair of the Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) on 4 September.
George Wilfred Talbot, Permanent Representative of Guyana, was elected Chair of the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) for the General Assembly’s sixty-seventh session on 4 September.