On 9 May 2023, representatives of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), namely the Joint Mission Analysis Centre, Arms Embargo Cell, Senior Natural Resources Adviser and Mine Action Service, briefed members of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004).
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Despite a fragile military situation and dire economic and humanitarian challenges, the truce in Yemen continues to deliver beyond its expiration and parties to the conflict are demonstrating willingness to engage constructively, the United Nations top official for that country told the Security Council today, underscoring the need for a more comprehensive agreement and continued support from a coherent, coordinated regional and international community.
Insecurity in the tri-border area of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger continues to grow, a senior United Nations peace operations official told the Security Council today, highlighting the urgent need to strengthen support and advance the fight against terrorism in the Sahel region, as members discussed the appropriate scope of that response.
While intensive discussions are ongoing to secure an extension and improvements to the Black Sea Grain Initiative, rising attacks on civilians are impacting humanitarian aid, a senior United Nations official told the Security Council today, as speakers took stock of the ongoing fallout of the war on Ukraine which is inching past the fifteenth month mark.
On 28 April, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 2140 (2014) held informal consultations to meet with the Panel of Experts on Yemen, whose mandate was extended to 15 December pursuant to resolution 2675 (2023).
Thanks to dynamic investigations combined with a targeted approach, over the past six months the International Criminal Court has made significant progress in prosecuting alleged crimes against humanity committed in Libya, its chief prosecutor told the Security Council today.
The international community must not allow divisive political tactics to endanger social cohesion in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the High Representative for that country told the Security Council today, amidst objections from some delegates about his credibility.
Warning that the recent outbreak of violence in Sudan could jeopardize its bilateral relations with South Sudan, speakers urged both countries to continue their positive engagement in working to resolve border security and development issues and reach an agreement on the final status of Abyei, during a Security Council briefing today on the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA).
All efforts by the Technical Secretariat of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to organize the next round of consultations with Syria continue to be unsuccessful, the United Nations disarmament chief told the Security Council today, stressing the need for full cooperation by Damascus.
The following Security Council press statement was issued today by Council President Pascale Christine Baeriswyl (Switzerland):