In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage

Recognizing the important role that the African Union played in the maintenance of international peace and security, the Security Council today called on that intergovernmental organization to develop a long-term capacity-building road map, in consultation with the United Nations, and pledged to consider all options to strengthen funding for African Union-led peacekeeping operations.
While applauding the heroism of United Nations peacekeepers, often operating in harsh environments, Fourth Committee delegations drew attention to a wide range of topics during their annual review of those operations, centred on critical operational aspects, such as the need for force protection, along with timely and reliable logistical support, an effective political process, and cooperation between the United Nations’ different organs and troop- and police-contributors.
Addressing the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) today, as part of its discussion on ways to enhance the promotion of human rights, Lynn B. Pascoe, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, spoke of increasing attention within the United Nations on safeguarding its reputation for impartiality in electoral assistance to States, adding that there was high demand from Member States for help on elections.
United Nations peacekeeping was an increasingly complex and dangerous endeavour that rested on the shared partnership of Member States, the Security Council and the Secretariat, succeeding quietly, every day, in mitigating harm to thousands of civilians around the globe, Under-Secretary-General Alain Le Roy told the Fourth Committee today, as it began its comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping in all its aspects.
States would better serve their societies -- particularly vulnerable groups like women, the extreme poor and trafficked persons -- if they took a human rights-based approach in designing and implementing social, economic and cultural policies, the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) was told today as it rounded out its first week of discussions on the promotion and protection of human rights.