The Security Council in the past month was strengthened by discussion of root causes of conflict, humanitarian concerns and other issues not previously on the schedule, the Permanent Representative of Nigeria, President of the body for August, said in a wrap-up meeting this morning.
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With Guinea-Bissau facing political turbulence barely a year after the re-establishment of constitutional order, the top United Nations official there expressed hope today that political leaders would rise to their “historic responsibility” to preserve the gains made so far in the interest of the country and people.
Welcoming the 26 August signature by South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir on the agreement to resolve the conflict in that country, as well as earlier signatures by other parties, the Security Council this afternoon confirmed its intention to move swiftly to update the mandate of the United Nations Mission there, known as UNMISS, to support implementation of key tasks in the accord.
The more than four-year-long conflict in Syria was characterized by a “callous disregard for human life” that “seemingly knows no bounds”, the top United Nations humanitarian official told the Security Council today.
With the political dialogue process in Libya nearing its last stages, “time is running out” for leaders on all sides and at all levels to make the “final push”, the head of the United Nations Mission in that country told the Security Council today.
With South Sudan poised to sign a peace agreement aimed at quelling ongoing violence in the country, the political situation on the ground remained tense and the humanitarian situation continued to deteriorate, top officials told the Security Council this morning.
The current situation for Kosovo and Serbia required “cautious optimism” despite significant strides made in overcoming the legacy of hostility and conflict, the top United Nations official there told the Security Council today, ahead of an upcoming high-level dialogue between both sides.
The Security Council this morning extended the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) for one year until 31 August 2016 without changes in deployment.
Security sector professionalization should be at the core of the mandates and activities of United Nations peace operations where appropriate, a top peacekeeping official told the Security Council this morning.
If the international community did not take immediate measures to end the fighting in Yemen, the top United Nations humanitarian official in the region cautioned the Security Council today, there would be nothing left to fight for.