In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


Enormous technological developments in the field of autonomous weapons required the world to more sharply focus on addressing the range of threats they posed, while taking into account gaps in existing international regimes, the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) heard, as it continued its debate on conventional weapons.


Curbing illicit financial flows, honouring funding commitments, South-South cooperation and reforming the international financial system were vital in meeting development goals and “leaving no one behind”, speakers stressed as the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) concluded its debate today on macroeconomic policy questions.


The negative effects of sanctions, violations of workers’ rights and obstacles to the right to development were among the wide‑ranging concerns before the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural), today as delegates engaged in interactive discussions with independent Human Rights Council experts on ways to improve respect across a range of business and Government practices.


New coalitions of support were needed to address collective security challenges in today’s multipolar world, the head of United Nations peacekeeping told the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) today, emphasizing that future peace operations would require expert deployment, effective use of technology and adaptability to situations on the ground.


While the management of transboundary aquifers was critical to the success of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, States needed to approach the matter in a manner conducive to their situation and region, delegates stressed, as the Sixth Committee (Legal) took up the International Law Commission’s work on the subject today.


The human cost of the global proliferation of small arms and light weapons came under the spotlight this morning as the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) continued its thematic debate on conventional weapons, with delegates underscoring the importance of cooperation to strengthen relevant international agreements to save lives on the ground.