In a near‑unanimous vote, the General Assembly today adopted a resolution on the necessity of ending the United States economic, commercial and financial embargo on Cuba, despite the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries two years ago.
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Despite the vital role of women in preventing conflict and helping to forge peace, they were far too often prevented from participating fully in peacemaking processes to the detriment of society as a whole, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told the Security Council today, as it began a day-long open debate on the subject.
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its discussion of human rights today, with six Special Rapporteurs updating on ways to improve respect for the rights to food, water and adequate living standards, especially following the 2010 outbreak of cholera in Haiti that had claimed 10,000 lives.
The evolution of modern peacekeeping from simple ceasefire-monitoring into multidimensional missions, required the adjustment of mandate scales and the creation of exit strategies, speakers in the Fourth Committee (Special Political and Decolonization) emphasized today as they continued their comprehensive review of peacekeeping.
Israel’s continued occupation of the State of Palestine and the Syrian Golan was throwing people into poverty and severely impeding sustainable development, speakers told the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) as it debated those territories today.
Broad cooperation on a range of strategic initiatives, including the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones, were needed to address common challenges and build a sound regional security architecture, the First Committee heard today during its thematic debate on regional disarmament.
As the Sixth Committee (Legal) continued its debate on the first cluster of topics from the International Law Commission’s report, speakers, while in general agreement on the topic “Identification of customary law”, raised questions over some of the specific language contained in that chapter.
Cybersecurity, lethal autonomous weapons, environmental protection and the gender perspective took centre stage in the First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) today as delegations embarked on a far-reaching thematic debate on other disarmament measures and international security.
The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) continued its discussion on the promotion of human rights today, with special mandate holders and others presenting updates on issues ranging from digital privacy to enforced disappearances, as well as the rights of migrants and internally displaced persons.
Inaugurating its rigorous eight-day deliberation on the work done by the International Law Commission in its sixty-eighth session, the Sixth Committee (Legal) began its debate on the first of three clusters of topics that included subjects as broad-ranging as the protection of persons in the event of disasters and the identification of customary international law.