In progress at UNHQ

Meetings Coverage


The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations today recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant special consultative status to 14 organizations — including four new applicants and 10 groups whose applications had been deferred from previous sessions — while also postponing its consideration of 53 other applications.


While welcoming the United States President’s personal engagement in Israel-Palestine issues today, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process warned of an “explosive environment” developing on the ground, as the Security Council considered the situation in the region, including the Palestinian question.


The global movement under way to stamp out international tax fraud was central to ending the booming illegal cross-border flow of money and capital obstructing realization of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Economic and Social Council heard today, as it wrapped up its Forum on Financing for Development follow-up with a series of expert panel discussions and related events.


Despite 15 years of steadily growing international attention to the question of protecting civilians in conflict situations, life in war zones around the world remained grim, with suffering “pushed to the limits” as cities turned into “death traps”, the Security Council heard today as it held an open debate on attacks against medical personnel and facilities.