The pervading toxic culture of impunity must be tackled in order for justice to prevail in Darfur, the International Criminal Court’s Prosecutor told the Security Council today as it remained split on how the matter was being handled.
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While Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) was being hobbled by lost territory and shrinking financial resources, collective efforts must be intensified to finally put an end to the terrorist group’s attacks in the region and beyond and to eradicate its deadly propaganda online, speakers told the Security Council today.
Continuing its 2017 coordination and management segment, the Economic and Social Council today adopted three resolutions and two decisions, including recommendations from its Commission for Social Development and its expert committee on the transport of dangerous goods.
Speakers in the United Nations Ocean Conference today tackled ways to combat illegal fishing practices that were destroying vital marine habitats, as well as eliminate the $35 billion in harmful subsidies that had led to overfishing, distorted markets and chronic mismanagement of the world’s fisheries.
The situation in Libya remained tense, compounded by security, political, economic and humanitarian challenges requiring both regional and international support, the United Nations senior official in the country said today.
A worrying denial of war crimes, glorification of convicted perpetrators and a lack of cooperation with some national authorities were among obstacles hampering the full discharge of the mandates of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, senior Tribunal officials told the Security Council today.
As it commenced its 2017 coordination and management segment, the Economic and Social Council today adopted four resolutions and two decisions, including those recommended by its Task Force on non-communicable diseases and its Women’s Commission, as well as its Statistical Commission, which submitted in its report’s annex more than 200 indicators aimed at measuring the progress towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Speakers emphasized the urgency of expanding protected coastal and marine areas — one of the targets of Goal 14 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — as well as tackling the problem of ocean acidification during partnership dialogues on the second day of the United Nations Ocean Conference.
Spotlighting the scarcity of Earth’s most precious resource, the United Nations Secretary-General today urged world leaders to invest in water security, amid increasing demand and the burgeoning effects of climate change.
The inaugural United Nations Ocean Conference opened today with a call for urgent action to improve the health of the world’s seas, now in peril after decades of pollution, overfishing and the unattended effects of climate change that were decimating marine life, and in turn, livelihoods.